The Health EU FET Flagship

The FET Flagship proposal ‘Health EU’ has been successfully submitted. This proposal is coordinated by Alexander Eggermont (Goustave Roussy), Adrian Ionescu (EPFL) and Albert van den Berg (UTwente). The ambitious unifying goal is empowering every citizen with a Human Avatar enabling access to comprehensive personalized healthcare, healthy lifestyle and disease prevention.

hDMT is member of the Strategic Board and coordinator of the Organ-on-Chip (OoC) pillar in this project with many partners of the European OoC network involved.

In total the Consortium consists of 110 partners, more than 75 stakeholders and hundreds of enthusiastic supporters across Europe. There is an International Advisory Board including 2 Nobel Laureates, several ex-Ministers of Health of EU countries and many international leaders and experts in Europe, USA and Canada. SeeĀ

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