Lyon & Grenoble, France
  22-25 October, 2018

A practical workshop of 4 days focusing on 3D scaffold manufacturing by using 3D printing technologies, Biomaterials and biomembranes, and Skin bioengineering,

ORGANIZERS: Nathalie PICOLLET D’HAHAN (CEA-BGE-Biomics, Grenoble), Donald K. MARTIN (TIMC-

IMAG, UGA, Grenoble), Christophe MARQUETTE (ICBMS-Université Lyon1-CNRS, Villeurbanne).

A practical workshop of 4 days with one group of 8 persons focusing on:

1) 3D scaffold manufacturing by using 3D printing technologies (computer aided design, introduction to 3D printing technologies, bioinks, bioreactors) (2 days);

2) Biomaterials and biomembranes (Polyelectrolytes-based biomembranes, self-assembling biopolymers, imaging) (1 day) and

3) Skin bioengineering; flow-focussing microencapsulation; 3D Bioprinting, Skin-on-Chip platform) (1 day).

These 3 workshops will be sequentially organized and coordinated by Christophe Marquette (3d.Fab, Lyon); Don Martin (TIMC- IMAG, UGA, Grenoble) and Nathalie Picollet-D’hahan (CEA-BGE-Biomics, Grenoble).

SELECTION: One group of 8 persons will be selected among Phase I participants. Everyone follows the 3 workshops sequentially between Lyon (2 days) and Grenoble (2 days).

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